Sunday, April 27, 2014

Story Behind Halfway Houses and Where They are Headed

There general process we see now a days looks similar to this. An intervention of some sort takes place whether by a professional interventionist or family member. Once a client is willing to receive help, typically a detox center is notified and the client is scheduled for intake. Upon completing of the detox, a client will then go through an inpatient or residential treatment program which may be 30 days to 180 days in length. After completing treatment a sober living or halfway house is usually recommended in combination with some sort of aftercare plan or intensive outpatient program or IOP.

From the time a client goes into detox to the day they complete their halfway house or sober living commitment, a client should have anywhere between 6 months to 12 months of sobriety or clean time.  This process has been established by treatment professionals through a extensive trial and error process which took decades. We know have a tremendous awareness and understanding of addiction. Just as our understanding has increased so has our levels of care especially when it comes to "halfway houses."

In past years, halfway houses were designed for inmates leaving a jail or prison. Today, they have taken on a new shape, direction and reach. The term halfway initially mean't that once a person came out of jail or prison he or she would stay in a home with other inmates and it was considered a halfway point between being locked up and being integrated back into society. However, addicts and alcoholics are very intelligent people and some saw an opportunity to save their homes from foreclosure by placing other recovering addicts and alcoholics in their homes and charging by the bed. Not only did they save their homes but were able to turn a profit and open another home. Others saw a profitable business model and one that would benefit society and opened up homes and communities of sober homes. Today, there are sober living communities that occupy entire apartment complexes and house 100's of recovering addicts and alcoholics.

We are now seeing more halfway house owners turning their business from sober living into IOP or treatment centers. Some halfway houses are keeping the sober housing model and adding the treatment component on to their current business model. This allows owners to not only collect weekly rent but also bill a client's insurance company for services rendered. This is bringing the quality of care to a new level and greatly benefiting clients by keeping them actively participating in some form of supervised and specialized care. This new method of treatment is reducing relapse rates and increasing success rates for inpatient centers.

If you are considering treatment, we advise you consider going the extra mile and fully committing to the entire process. Each phase has it's own rewards waiting for you. Each phase will add a number or tools and experiences that will greatly benefit your future and recovery. Your life is important and you should consider going from inpatient rehab to sober living and following all recommended aftercare requirements. It will change your life but more importantly it may save your life.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Give Yourself a Shot at Recovery- It Will be Well Worth the Effort

Finding a successful drug and alcohol rehab will depend entirely on the individual that is looking. Are they ready to get clean and sober? Do they want to be in rehab? Have they hit a bottom? Going into an alcohol detox or drug treatment program is not a solution for everyone’s problem. Sure it can help no matter what but the reality is most addiction treatment centers teach the same or similar information. They each have their spin own things and some offer a little more or less than others. However, in the end if a person is ready to get clean, they won’t use drugs and alcohol anymore and do whatever it takes to keep it that way.  

If a person is not ready to stop using drugs and alcohol does that mean they may not be ready for a rehabilitation program? No, a  family should do an intervention and allow the process of recovery a chance to take over. There is always hope for an addict or alcoholic. There is always a chance that they will hear something during a one on one therapy or group counseling session. Sometimes when an addict or alcoholic is told they will not stay clean, they work even harder just out of spite and end up that way because they had something to prove.

Most people are not ready and willing to go to rehab. They want to continue using for as long as they possibly can. They are addicted to drugs and alcohol so it only makes sense for them to continue using. They may go to an addiction rehab to save their family or avoid a jail sentence. No matter what the reason, it is always a good idea for them to give rehab a shot. One thing is for sure, they will never get high successfully after completing a drug and alcohol treatment program because all the information they will learn will rattle inside their minds even when getting high again.

Some would say you must hit a bottom to become willing to get help. What if the shovel can keep digging another bottom and another? Through all the years in addiction and recovery there has been one bottom after another. The only true bottom is death. If you would like to put the shovel down and give recovery a shot because you want to live a new way of life, go to a detox and get cleaned up. From there go to an addiction rehab program and learn about the disease of addiction and how it is affecting every area of your life. Give yourself a shot to live. It will be well worth the effort you put in. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Alcohol Detox Center in New Jersey- An Experience of a Lifetime

When I was drinking heavily and it was borderline alcohol abuse, I thought to myself, "I am just having a rough patch but I will pull through." When I started drinking every day I knew I might have a problem. When I tried to stop drinking and found that I could not successfully for any length of time, I was convinced I might be an alcoholic. 

There are many stages involved before drinking become a real problem and when getting help is no longer optional. I had reached the final stage when I received my 4th DUI. I knew that there was nothing I could do in my own power to stop drinking and avoid spending the rest of my life in jail or the nut house. This is when I finally threw up my hands, waived the white flag and admitted I was a "real alcoholic" and I needed help from a professional alcohol detox center and rehabilitation program. 

I tried calling a number of alcohol detox center in New Jersey. I think I must have called at least 10 or that is how it at least felt having to go over the same questions, verify insurance over and over and be told I was not a candidate due to this reason or that reason. Most times, well all times, it was because my insurance did not want to pay for an alcohol detox center or they didn't pay enough. I found myself desperate for help but unable to get the help I so desperately needed. 

I had just about given up all hope when a friend told me about The Detox Center. I thought to myself, "great another detox center I have to deal with and get denied by." I told my friend that I didn't even want to call because I didn't want to get rejected again. He told me he would call and ensured me this place was different and they were able to help him when he went through a similar experience looking for a detox forheroin addiction. He said that The Detox Center was not a detox at all but a network of detox centers throughout NJ. He said they had relationships with alcohol detox centers, detox centers that dealt with low income clients to those who wanted something a little more luxurious. 

It was only a matter of hours before someone from The Detox Center called me back and said they not only had a bed available in an alcohol detox center but they also had a bed available for an alcohol treatment center. I was completely shocked. I had tried time and time again to find a place to go with no success. How did they find me both so quickly? I never bothered to ask since I was just happy to have a place to help me get through the withdrawals I knew I would have once I stopped drinking. 

It was about 12;30 p.m when we spoke to The Detox Center and by 4:30 p.m I was packing up and on my way into detox. Once I got there I was more than pleasantly surprised. The staff was very encouraging and on a couple bad nights, they were right there next to me. After I got through the withdrawals, I started going to some groups and listening to how other people stopped drinking and using drugs. This really inspired me and I started to feel hope, something I had lost a long time ago. 

Once I got to the alcohol treatment center, I was greeted by all the other clients. I was welcomed as though I was entering into a new family. I later understood why. I really was a part of a new family. When I completed treatment I started going to AA meetings like the rehab had suggested. I got a sponsor and worked the 12 steps of Alcoholic Anonymous. I even sponsored a couple of guys which I still have in my life on a daily basis. 

I am so grateful that my friend helped me find Alcohol Detox Center NJ and their team. I truly believe I would have died if it wasn't for everyone willing to help me. Thank God for friends and thank God for AA and the 12 steps. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Addiction Treatment and Recovery Options

With so much addiction comes the demand for more interventionists, drug detox and drug rehab centers.. Addiction Networks simplifies the process of locating the most suitable and effective. Our network of substance abuse treatment centers range from low cost and affordable to high end and luxury. Our rehab programs are among the elite. We pride ourselves on working with the very best. We provide both secular and faith based rehabilitation. We have programs that range from 28 days to 180 days. We have aftercare treatment programs in place and we do an extensive follow up with each client. Our treatment centers take addiction seriously. Most of our staff has either been through addiction and come out of the other side, or they have had family members who have been through the struggle.

Some services that set us above the rest

  • Interventions or family interventions
  • Drug and alcohol detox programs
  • Christian rehabilitation
  • 12 step recovery based treatment
  • Sober living 

When a family member is struggling to make the decision about whether or not they want to get clean and stay clean, our intervention specialists are well versed in how to motivate them to not only make the decision but to fully commit. Our interventions are successful because we understand that not one method can be applied to all our clients. There are times when family will be asked to participate, write letters, and gather together to express how our client's addiction is negatively impacting their lives. Other times, a one on one, more personal and intimate intervention will be performed. The interventionist will locate the client abusing drugs or alcohol and spend quality time, sharing information with them that will help motivate them to go into a drug and/or alcohol rehab center. Both methods are effective, choosing the right approach will be determined by the interventionist. 

A drug and alcohol detox program is not always required. A detox center will be notified and on stand by if the following drugs are being abused: heroin, opiates, Xanax, alcohol, and opiate based painkillers. There are some others but these are the primary drugs being used by most of our clients. Meth, cocaine, crack or marijuana do not require an inpatient detox center as these drugs do not cause physical dependence. The typical length of stay for heroin abuse ranges from 5 to 7 days. Xanax and alcohol may be a little longer as these substance can cause serious withdrawal symptoms and cause a person to experience seizures if not detoxed properly. 

Christian rehabilitation centers are very successful as they are great at teaching a client to surrender, to remain humble and trust in a power greater than themselves. Our treatment centers are located throughout California, Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Florida. Our network of Christian rehabs is not limited to one state. This plays a vital role if our client is in a harmful environment and needs to escape old people, places, and things that may lead back to drug abuse or alcohol abuse. 

12 step recovery based rehab centers follow the traditions and teachings handed down from the Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous 12 step recovery support groups. AA and NA have been successfully helping people overcome addiction and alcoholism for decades. There are now hundreds of thousands of 12 step meetings in the United States and abroad. Millions of alcoholics and addicts have found great success and life changing recovery through these support groups. Clients will typically learn about and work through the first 3 steps of the AA and NA program before completing a 12 step based treatment center.
Here are the first 3 steps:

1.     We admitted we were powerless over our addiction/alcoholism and that are lives had become unmanageable.
We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.

S    A sober living home or halfway house is strongly recommended as part of the aftercare program. A sober living environment will provide a built-in network of sober supports. There will be accountability and structure. Certain rules are in place to help clients stay on track and not veer off the road to recovery. Most sober living homes or halfway houses are typically 90 to 180 days. 
      If you would like more information about any of our treatment programs, please call us today at 888-376-0706. We are here to help you overcome addiction and alcoholism and begin your journey of recovery. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have.