Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sexual Addiction and It's Effects

Sexual addiction is best characterized as an intimacy disorder which is highlighted by compulsive sexual acts and thoughts.  Like all other types of addiction, sex addiction has a negative impact on the addict and the person’s family.  With time, the addict will usually act out in intense ways in order to satisfy their urges and compulsion and the person will not care about the consequences.
For some people with sexual addiction, the behavior may not progress beyond compulsive masturbation or the use of pornography.  However, other people may become involved in illegal activities like exhibitionism, child molestation, rape and voyeurism.  Sexual addicts do not necessarily become a sex offender and not all sexual offenders are sex addicts either.
About 71% of people who are child molesters are sexual addicts and for many the problem can be so severe, being imprisoned is the only means of protecting society against them.
Society has accepted that sexual offenders do not act out on their compulsion for gratification, but rather out of a desire for control, power, and dominance or to release rage and anger.  However, now it is understood sex addiction changes the brain and the reward center associated with sexual behavior also motivates those with sexual addiction issues.
Increasing sexual provocation and exhibitionism into today’s society has resulted in an increase in the number of people engaging in unusual or illicit sexual practices such as escort services, computer pornography and phone sex.  More of these people and their partners are seeking help for sex addiction than ever before.
The same behavior and compulsions which drive other forms of addiction is also present with sexual addiction.  However, these other addictions involve substances or behaviors which have no necessary relationship to our survival.  Sexual activity is very different and having sex is needed in order to ensure human survival.  Although some people are celibate by choice, others are not and most healthy human beings have a strong desire for sex.  In fact, lack of interest or a low sex drive can indicate a medical problem or mental health issue.
While there is no official medical diagnosis for sexual addiction, medical researchers have attempted to define the disorder using some criteria based on chemical dependence criteria.  The following behaviors could indicate sex addiction:
·        Frequently engaging in sex with multiple partners or more partners than intended
·        Being preoccupied with or persistently craving sexual activity
·        Neglecting obligations such as home, work and family to engage in sex
·        Continually engaging in sexual behaviors in spite of it causing negative issues in one’s life
·        Spending considerable time in activities related to sex
·        Being irritable when not able to engage in the desired behavior

You may have a sex addiction if you can identify with three or more of these criteria and it may be worthwhile for you to consider seeking treatment.  Sex addicts tend to organize their activities around sex in much the same way a drug addict or alcoholic will center their life on their substance of choice.
If you wish to find out more information about sex addiction and treatment, please call us at the CaliforniaAddiction Network today.  We can answer all of your questions and help you determine what you may need to do in the situation.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Treating the "Whole" Person with Holistic Addiction Treatment

Many people are confused by the term “holistic” and it becomes even more bewildering when it is used in conjunction with drug and alcohol treatment.  Most often the word “holistic” brings about images of yoga, meditation and alternative medicine.  However, it is important to realize in terms of holistic treatment for addiction, that just because a program happens to term itself as “holistic” does not mean it is devoid of medical or psychotherapeutic modalities.
Holistic treatment is something which addresses a person as a “whole.”  This type of treatment takes the entire individual, including their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs into consideration when formulating a plan for treating an addiction issue.  Holistic treatment in a way is more comprehensive than either traditional or alternative treatments, because it takes the best of both programs and customizes the treatment to fit each client’s unique needs.
Holistic addiction treatment can and does include medical management with a team of medical professionals who specialize in chemical dependence and recovery and a licensed mental health specialist.  Frequently, holistic addiction treatment will also include individual psychotherapy and it uses a wealth of alternative options to supplement and support the traditional treatment methods being used.
Some of the more specific treatment approaches which can be used in combination with traditional therapies in a holistic treatment setting can include meditation, yoga and massage therapy.  Massage is beneficial in that it facilitates a deeper connection and appreciation for one’s body and it helps reduce anxiety and physical pain.  Yoga and meditation induces relaxation and can help improve a person’s rate of recovery and strengthen an individual’s sense of well-being.
In the course of recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, someone must make the conscious choice to change their life.  When you have made the decision to change your life and want to take back control over your choices, it is a great step towards improving your health and gaining a stronger sense of well-worth.  However, with all the many

options which exist for treating drug and alcohol addiction, many people overlook holistic treatment because of believing it is not effective.  However, nothing could be further from the truth.

If you or someone you love is struggling with drugs and alcohol and it has turned into an addiction, you need to do something to change.  You cannot simply sit back and ignore your problem and it is not something which will go away on its own.  When you are truly ready to change your life and willing to seek professional help, contact the California Addiction Network today and find out more information about our holistic treatment services.